
智利葡萄酒协会商会介绍 进口红酒协会官网

2022-02-27 12:30:09 酒编


Wines of Chile Association, born on April 20th, 2007, is a non-profit trade association that represents the main wine producers of Chile around the world. Nowadays, we have over 80 members, which currently account for over 70% Chile’s bottled wine exports. Wines of Chile has a global presence, with offices in Brazil, Canada, China, the United Kingdom, the United States and Chile.


成都红酒批发市场地址了解到,智利葡萄酒协会亚太区代表处于2013年5月29日在上海正式成立。我们负责整个东南亚和亚洲市场,主要在中国进行推广。我们的使命是:加强葡萄栽培业,提高全世界对智利葡萄酒质量和形象的认识。如今,27% 的进口葡萄酒价格高于60美元FOB。

The Asia-Pacific representative office of Wines of Chile was formally established in Shanghai in 2013. The office looks after the main wine destination countries in Asia, with a principal focus in China. Our main objectives are to strengthen the viticulture industry, to promote greater awareness for the quality and image of Chilean wines throughout the world. We have a special commitment on promoting the premium wine category - above 60USD FOB per 9lt case - that today accounts for 27% of the total wines exported to China.


Wines of Chile accounts 3 official accounts in the main Chinese social media platforms: WeChat, Weibo and TikTok. Here we speak directly to our audience: wine professionals, sommeliers, media and consumers.

路演:聚焦二三线城市,帮助酒庄在中国快速发展的城市间树立形象,寻找新的贸易伙伴。每年有超过 1,000 名葡萄酒专业人士参加在 3 个不同城市举办的这项活动。

Roadshow: focused on tier 2-3 cities,it helps wineries to build image and seek new trade partners in fast growing cities in China. Every year more than 1,000 wine professionals attend this event hosted in 3 different cities.

2021 CFDF智利葡萄酒协会展团 Wines of Chile Pavillion in CFDF 2021

国内及国际展会 International and National Wine Fairs

成都春季糖酒会-CFDF Chengdu

上海 ProWine-ProWine Shanghai

深圳 Wine to Asia-Wine to Asia Shenzhen

上海 Decanter-Decanter Shanghai
